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Back-to-School Pests

As if it isn’t enough that pests in the home can spread illness within the family, when school begins, these household pests and pests within the school itself can easily spread germs in the classroom. Because both homes and schools have spaces that attract pests – spaces where food is stored, areas that are damp such as bathrooms and basements, and dark places where pests like to build their nests – back-to-school time is the perfect time to make sure the health consequences of pests are being minimized.

Pests and Food Borne Illness

Ants, roaches, flies, and rodents are some of the most common pests that can spread illness from child-to-child as the school year begins. Food poisoning, salmonella, listeria and staphylococcus or staph infections are a few of the diseases carried by these creatures.

Schoolyard Pests

Warm weather in the early fall means recess will bring your child into potential contact with mosquitos and ticks. As a means of avoiding Lyme disease from ticks or West Nile from mosquitos, the use of a repellent is called for. Performing daily tick checks is also advised.

Hitchhiking Pests

Bed bugs and Lice are two pests most often associated with filth and poor living conditions. However, neither care about how clean or dirty their environment is. Bedbugs can easily sneak onto your child’s backpack and clothing at school, all objects that will end up in your home eventually. Every parent dreads lice and they can spread very quickly. Neither lice nor bedbugs spread disease, but both carry stigma and are hard to get rid of. Regular checks are required, as well as discouraging your child from sharing hats, hair brushes and other personal accessories.

To send your child back to school with peace of mind, call Ecola to give your home a passing grade. Whether you need to know how to kill ants, how to kill roaches, how to kill bedbugs, or the ins and outs of rodent control, Ecola has a family-friendly solution to protect your home and sanity. Call 1-800-332-BUGS (2847) today and let a professional inspect, identify, and eradicate any pest problem you may have.

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