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Battle Your Bugs Before the Summer!

Ecola Termite & Pest Control BBQ

Summer is arguably one of the best seasons of the year. School is out, there’s fun in the sun, cookouts, and great times with friends and family. It’s also notorious for being one of the most active pest seasons of the year. Don’t let termites and ants party at your house! Battle your bugs before the season starts so you can keep them off your guest list all summer long.

Termite Treatment

Spring and summer are times when the termites swarm and look for a new home. Ecola has a new specialized bait treatment monitoring device to protect your home. Here’s how it works. Ecola uses the power of termite bait and a monitor which is inserted into the soil every 8-10 feet around your home. This small, yet mighty treatment method attracts termites that are foraging near your home. Once they start feeding, they carry a poison back to their dwellings, thus, eliminating colonies on your property. The bait treatment monitoring device does not attract termites from far away toward your home. Instead, it’s a good proactive tactic that you can ask your Ecola specialist about when getting your free termite inspection.

How to Kill Ants

Sometimes you follow all the common sense advice of keeping your counters and pantry clean, maintaining trimmed foliage, and keeping firewood away from your home and you still find yourself with an ant infestation. Luckily, Ecola knows how to kill ants. One call is all it takes. Make that call to Ecola at 800-332-BUGS (2847) before the summer arrives so you don’t have to worry about termites or ants!

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