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Before Your Remodel, Inspect for Termites

There is a lot to consider when remodeling any part of your home. Whether it is a full blown remodel or you are just having one or two rooms worked on, you want to ensure it is done right. So you are probably spending a lot of time talking to designers and contractors, checking and rechecking your budget, and ensuring the entire process goes as smoothly as possible.

But before you set any work into motion, there is one more step you should take that can potentially save you a lot of time and money down the line. Inspect for termites.

Inspecting Before Working Makes Sense

Whether you have witnessed signs of an infestation or not, an inspection makes good sense if you are about to undertake a large construction or remodeling project in your home.

When remodeling, some or all of the home is getting stripped down and built back up. When you inspect for termites, if treatment becomes necessary, drilling may need to be done. That drilling can require removal of drywall or other furnishings that would negate a large chunk of work done during your remodel, and would require repairs.

By inspecting first, you can known in advance if termite treatment is necessary. If so, you can have it done before or during the remodeling process, which will ensure a smoother job and fewer expenses.

How to Integrate Termite Inspection into the Remodel Process

Wherever you are in the planning process, the next step should be to call for a termite inspection. An inspector will come to your home and carefully evaluate key areas of your home to check for potential past infestations and to check for the telltale signs of existing termites.

While a general inspection is not invasive, if termites are found or if the exterminator is concerned that termites may be present and wants to confirm it, then additional work may need to be done. This is the time to do it, before the remodeling process begins.

An exterminator can work with the contractor’s schedule to start the termite treatment process, evaluating your entire home, performing treatment where necessary, and removing the termites before they can cause irreparable damage to your home.

If you have not had a termite inspection since you moved into your home or if you are at all concerned about the prospect of termites, it is highly recommended you call and have an inspection performed before starting the remodeling process. A professional can visit your home, perform the initial inspection, and advise whether additional inspection, testing, or extermination is necessary before you continue with your remodeling plans.

The experts of Ecola are here for you if this is the next step for your remodeling needs. Call today to learn more about our inspection and treatment options for your home.

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