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Did You Find Rats in Your Attic Stored Christmas Boxes?

There is nothing worse than going to the attic in December only to find that your beloved ornaments have been targeted by rats. Whether all you notice are the telltale droppings of rats (or even mice) or you see the chewing and gnawing in your boxes or on the ornaments themselves, it can turn a fun day into a nightmare.

When this happens, there are a few things you should do, and if you are lucky enough that this has not happened to you, there are some steps you can take to avoid it.

What to Do If You Find Rats

If you find rats in your attic, the first step is to immediately call an exterminator. It’s impossible to know how many rats are up there and rats can be dangerous – even more so than mice, so you want a professional to handle them.

If you suspect rats may be present, have the inspector come first and check in and around your possessions before removing them from the attic. the last thing you want to do is accidentally bring a rat out of the attic in a box they happen to be hiding in. An exterminator can remove them and ensure your possessions are clear before you take them and salvage what you can.

The Rat Removal Process

There are a number of steps involved in rat removal from your attic. An exterminator will discuss with you all of your options, including exclusion to keep them from returning to you home in the first place, followed by capturing or killing any rats still in your attic.

By removing all signs of the rats, blocking their entry, and removing the existing rats from your home, it is possible to minimize the risk that they show up again in the future.

Preventing Rats from Getting Into Your Decorations

If you’re lucky enough to have never suffered the indignity of a rat infestation in your home, it’s important that you take steps to avoid it ever happening. Here are some tips:

  • Check Your Attic for Signs or Entry Ways
  • Wrap Your Valuables Thoroughly
  • Use Plastic or Rubber Containers for Ornaments
  • Have a Regular Inspection for Rats

If you do these four things, you can keep rats from becoming a regular problem you need to worry about. By minimizing the risk of rats in your home and cutting back on the number of ways in which they can access and destroy your ornaments or other possessions you can ensure that an infestation will be less devastating if it does occur.

And of course, if you are at the point that you need an exterminator, give us a call and ask to learn more about all of our rat removal, exclusion, and extermination services.

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