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Tag Archives: eco-friendly bug removal

Preventing Mosquitoes from Breeding on Your Property

By Ecola Termite and Pest Control |

As we head into the warmer months, we’re all too familiar with the pesky buzzing of mosquitoes around our homes and gardens. But did you know that these tiny insects can wreak havoc on your property, spreading disease and creating a nuisance? As Southern California residents, we’re no strangers to mosquito season, but it’s… Read More »

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Enjoying Summer Activities Sting-Free

By Ecola Termite and Pest Control |

As we dive into the warm embrace of summer, outdoor activities and adventures await. However, the presence of bees, wasps, and other flying insects with stingers can make us cautious and wary of enjoying nature to its fullest. But fear not, for there are simple precautions we can take to ensure a sting-free summer… Read More »

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Preventing Mosquitoes from Breeding on Your Property

By Ecola Termite and Pest Control |

When it comes to enjoying our outdoor spaces, the last thing any of us want to deal with is a swarm of pesky mosquitoes. Not only are they annoying, but they can also pose serious health risks. That’s why, as responsible homeowners, it’s essential to take proactive steps to prevent mosquitoes from breeding on… Read More »

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What’s attracting ants to your kitchen?

By Ecola Termite and Pest Control |

Is there anything worse than walking into your kitchen and finding a trail of pesky ants marching across your countertops? It’s a common problem that many homeowners face, but what exactly is attracting these unwanted visitors to your kitchen in the first place? And more importantly, what can you do to prevent an infestation… Read More »

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Signs of a cockroach infestation

By Ecola Termite and Pest Control |

  Have you noticed signs of a potential cockroach infestation in your home or business? Cockroaches are notorious pests that can pose health risks and be challenging to eliminate once they establish a presence. In this blog, we will discuss common signs of a cockroach infestation, provide prevention tips, and encourage you to contact… Read More »

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Experts: How Built-by-Owner homes can be pest magnets

By Ecola Termite and Pest Control |

Building your own home can be an exciting and creative experience, but did you know that doing so could leave you more vulnerable to pest infestations? Pest Control Technology (PCT) recently reported that “built-by-owner” homes are often more susceptible to pest problems than those built by professional contractors. Vulnerabilities in “Built-by-Owner” Homes When non-professional… Read More »

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Triple Threat: Subterranean, Drywood, and Formosan Termites

By Ecola Termite and Pest Control |

Attention, property owners of Southern California! We need to talk about termites – specifically, the triple threat of subterranean, drywood, and Formosan termites. These tiny insects can wreak havoc on your property if left unchecked. In this post, we’ll delve into the characteristics of each termite type, discuss prevention methods, and highlight the importance… Read More »

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Why Extreme Weather Leads to Increased Pest Populations

By Ecola Termite and Pest Control |

As much as we’d like to believe that our homes are a sanctuary that protects us from creepy crawlies, some pests are more resilient than others. Unfortunately, extreme weather events across the country can lead to an increase in certain pests, leaving homeowners vulnerable to infestations. According to the National Pest Management Association, “Pests… Read More »

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Summer is Tick Season in California!

By Ecola Termite and Pest Control |

As residents of California, we love the warm and sunny weather this season brings. However, it’s important to be aware that summer is also tick season, which means we are more vulnerable to getting Lyme disease from tick bites. In fact, one in five people nationwide know someone who has contracted Lyme disease from… Read More »

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When DIY pest control isn’t worth it

By Ecola Termite and Pest Control |

For homeowners dealing with pest issues, the idea of taking a do-it-yourself (DIY) approach to pest control can be tempting. After all, many individuals enjoy tackling home projects on their own. While practicing pest prevention habits is essential, it’s crucial to recognize when a DIY approach may not be worth the effort or risk…. Read More »

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