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Tag Archives: Eco friendly

The Uninvited Roommates: Rodents and the Diseases They Carry

By Ecola Termite and Pest Control |

As we go about our daily lives, it’s easy to forget that our homes can be sharing space with uninvited guests. We’re not talking about nosy neighbors or unwanted house guests, but rather rodents like rats and mice. These tiny critters may seem harmless, but they can bring with them a host of diseases… Read More »

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Enjoying Summer Activities Sting-Free

By Ecola Termite and Pest Control |

As we dive into the warm embrace of summer, outdoor activities and adventures await. However, the presence of bees, wasps, and other flying insects with stingers can make us cautious and wary of enjoying nature to its fullest. But fear not, for there are simple precautions we can take to ensure a sting-free summer… Read More »

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Preventing Mosquitoes from Breeding on Your Property

By Ecola Termite and Pest Control |

When it comes to enjoying our outdoor spaces, the last thing any of us want to deal with is a swarm of pesky mosquitoes. Not only are they annoying, but they can also pose serious health risks. That’s why, as responsible homeowners, it’s essential to take proactive steps to prevent mosquitoes from breeding on… Read More »

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Best practices for handling a bed bug infestation

By Ecola Termite and Pest Control |

Dealing with a bed bug infestation can be a stressful and challenging experience. These elusive pests are notorious for their ability to hide in cracks and crevices, making them difficult to eliminate without the help of a professional bed bug exterminator. To ensure complete eradication and prevent a recurrence, it’s crucial to follow best… Read More »

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What’s attracting ants to your kitchen?

By Ecola Termite and Pest Control |

Is there anything worse than walking into your kitchen and finding a trail of pesky ants marching across your countertops? It’s a common problem that many homeowners face, but what exactly is attracting these unwanted visitors to your kitchen in the first place? And more importantly, what can you do to prevent an infestation… Read More »

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The most damaging of all termites – The Subterranean Termite

By Ecola Termite and Pest Control |

It may come as no surprise that termites are a homeowner’s worst nightmare. Although there are different types of termites, the subterranean termite poses one of the biggest threats to your property. These termites, found in almost every state, build underground colonies and feed on wood structures, leaving devastation in their wake. Here’s what… Read More »

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Unseen Threats: The Importance of a Termite Inspection

By Ecola Termite and Pest Control |

We all take pride in our homes, creating spaces that offer comfort and security. However, there’s an insidious threat that often goes unnoticed until it’s too late – termites. These silent destroyers can wreak havoc on our properties, causing extensive damage and financial strain. In this blog, we’ll delve into the reasons why a… Read More »

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Unraveling the Mysteries: Factors that Make Us Mosquito Magnets

By Ecola Termite and Pest Control |

It’s that time of year again when the pesky mosquito brigade is out in full force, and it seems like some of us are destined to be their favorite snack. Have you ever wondered why these bloodthirsty insects seem to have a personal vendetta against certain individuals? Well, we delved deep into the research… Read More »

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5 Ways to Counter Ants: #1 Nuisance Pest in America

By Ecola Termite and Pest Control |

Ants are a common problem in households across America, and they can be more than just a nuisance. These tiny pests can contaminate food, cause property damage, and even bite in some cases. To prevent an ant infestation in your home, it’s important to take proactive measures. Here are five ways to counter ants… Read More »

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Ecola Named LA Readers’ Top Choice 9 Years in a Row

By Ecola Termite and Pest Control |

When it comes to pest control, local residents know best. And in Los Angeles, Ecola Termite & Pest Control has been named the Readers’ Choice for nine years in a row by the readers of the Los Angeles Daily News. This impressive streak is a testament to the quality of service and value that… Read More »

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