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Ecola Termite
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800-332-BUGS (2847)

Preparing for Your
Ecola Inspection

While it is called a “Termite Inspection,” it is officially titled a “Structural Pest Control Inspection.”

In addition to termites, the inspector will also be looking for fungus, water damage, and conditions such as plumbing leaks, or earth to wood contact that can lead to termite or fungus damage. They will also be looking for a variety of other wood destroying pest such as powder post beetles, carpenter ants, and carpenter bees.

The more accessible your home is the more complete and thorough the inspection can be. We realize that moving all your furniture or trimming back all your vines may be impractical, however the more of these items you can do to prepare for the inspector the more thorough the inspection will be.

  1. Remove any stored belongings from the areas under sinks in the kitchens & bathrooms.

  2. Move furniture and large potted plants a minimum of two feet from the outside walls.

  3. Remove any storage from the area within two feet of the exterior of the house.

  4. Trim back any bushes or ground cover that conceals the walls or foundation.

  5. Move items stored in the garage away from the walls.

  6. The inspector will need to look in your attic. Be sure the access opening to the attic is not blocked by storage. If the access opening is located in a closet, please remove clothing and storage so that attic insulation doesn’t fall on them.

  7. If your home is built on a raised foundation, with a full inspection the inspector will go under the house. Be sure the access opening to the subarea is not blocked by storage or debris.

  8. Open window blinds and shades.

Our job is to locate all infestations, infections or conducive conditions that may lead to infestations or infection. We can only inspect the areas we can see, therefore the more accessible the home, the better the inspection and the more complete the treatment. Our inspectors will look under the corners of carpet, check your bath trap and inspect the attic and sub-area. They will inspect all accessible areas of your garage. They will also identify excessive moisture areas with special electronic instruments that will enable us to detect conducive conditions.

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