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Top Termite Inspection For Alternative Treatment – Ecola Pest Control

Looking for an honest termite inspection? ECOLA’s trained experts are equipped and eager to assist their customer’s in finding the best termite treatment solutions for their home or business.

Melissa: Thank you so much for calling ECOLA services.

Alan: This is the call center for ECOLA Termite & Pest Control Services. You start here for free information about pest control. Sue Fries of ECOLA.

Sue: ECOLA now does pest control, and pest control, we can quote over the phone.

Alan: And you call here for a termite inspection.

Sue: Inspections are free, unless you are selling or refinancing your home, and the purpose of that is because there is a certification that goes along with it. We have to go back to the house after all the work is done, and sign off on it, so there’s a lot more involved. But we have a lot involved on a free inspection also. It’s not free to ECOLA, but it is free to the customer.

Alan: ECOLA Termite offers many types of services.

Sue: The methods for termites, we have the heat process we do fumigation, and then we have the local treatments, which would be Electrogun, Microwave, we have the borate treatments that have a 20-year residual. There are a lot of different things that we can do for the customer, local and full-structure. With pest control, we do anything that’s needed to get done if they have ants, if they have fleas, if they have roaches, if they have a rodent problem, which you definitely need to get solved right away, because that can cause fire damage, electrical issues, all kinds of things.

Ecola Termite & Pest Control Gutter

Alan: ECOLA really wants to do what’s best for it’s customers.

Sue: What that means to you is, we are environmentally friendly, we’re pet friendly and we’re mother approved.

Alan: ECOLA professionals promise fast service.

Employee: We are going to take care of this family right away.

Call ECOLA at (800) 332-BUGS/ (800)332-2847 or go to

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