Your Cool Weather Wardrobe: Wool, Flannel, and…..Pests! - Ecola Termite and Pest Control Switch to ADA Accessible Theme
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Your Cool Weather Wardrobe: Wool, Flannel, and…..Pests!

Ecola Termite & Pest Control Damage Detail

As if the task of switching out your summer to winter clothing is not stressful enough, you discover that some of your softest, coziest pieces have been ruined by household pests. If your assumption is that moths are the culprits, you might want to think again. There are several insects that love to ruin your clothes, and one of them is the dreaded termite. So, when you’re finished weeping over the loss of your favorite fuzzy sweater, pick up the phone and let professionals figure out which cool weather pest is to blame. If a free termite inspection points to termites in your home, choose a family-friendly method of controlling pests and termites.

Holes in Your Clothes Mean Holes in Your House

The holes in your clothes may be mirroring holes the termites are making in the very foundation of your home. Cooler weather leaves all homes vulnerable to pests who are looking for a warm place to eat, sleep, and multiply. During winter, the queen is busy laying up to 2,000 eggs per day. The bottom line is that with each passing day, an infestation can grow by the thousands.

No Holes in This Termite Control Strategy

Professional pest control companies such as Ecola have professionals who are expert at identifying and solving pest problems. Termite problems cannot be treated with do-it-yourself methods, and your home is too important to leave a solution up to chance. Ecola provides homeowners with a free termite inspection along with family-friendly methods for eradicating termites and preventing future termite problems.

One growing solution is the installation of TAP insulation. It’s a new innovation – made with recycled paper and low impact boric acid. So it is both ecological and natural. And because it is high quality insulation, it lowers utility bills and provides insulation to noise. TAP insulation is also a good preventative measure for many other pest problems including rodent control.

It’s nearly impossible for homeowners to get away without a pest problem in your home at some point. Having a reliable company such as Ecola is your best defense against pests invading your home. Call Ecola at 800-332-BUGS (2847), fill out the attached form or visit and experience why customers rate us so highly.

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