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Recognizing Bedbug Infestations: What to Look For

As homeowners, we often pride ourselves on keeping our spaces comfortable. But what happens when unwelcome guests start to invade? Bedbugs can be a significant nuisance, and it’s crucial for us to recognize the signs of an infestation early on.

Spotting Live Bedbugs

The first indication of a bedbug issue is typically the sighting of live insects. These small, reddish-brown bugs are about the size of an apple seed and are most active at night. They tend to hide during the day in mattresses, box springs, or cracks in furniture, so we may need to do some thorough inspections, especially in high-risk areas like the bedroom.

Shed Exoskeletons and Fecal Matter

Another telltale sign of bedbugs is finding shed exoskeletons—this is what they leave behind as they grow. We should also look for dark spots on bedding or furniture, which are often fecal matter. These spots can leave stains and may be an indication that bedbugs have been feeding.

Recognizing Bite Patterns

We should also pay attention to our skin. Unusual bite patterns, often resembling clusters or lines, can signal bedbug activity. The bites may cause itching and discomfort, and they can be mistaken for other insect bites. So, examining our skin after a night’s sleep is essential.

The Distinctive Musty Odor

Finally, if we notice an unusual, musty odor in our living space, it could be a sign that bedbugs have made themselves at home. This scent is often a result of bedbug secretions and can be quite pungent.

If any of these signs resonate with us, it’s time to take action. Ecola Termite and Pest Control is here to help. With their expertise in pest management, we can tackle the problem head-on. Contact them at 800-471-BUGS (2847) for a consultation, and let’s work together to reclaim our spaces from these unwelcome visitors.


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